Little Valley Academy
Located at our Early Education Campus at 3616 Holmes Avenue, our Little Valley Academy is a thriving accredited academic preschool program providing care for children ages infant-4 years old.
Our classroom is a fun and loving environment full of opportunities for friendship, fun and learning. Our goal is to help your younger babies enjoy their time with us so that you can rest easy knowing they are loved and well-taken care of. As the kids get older, our goal is to prepare the children to enter Kindergarten and excel.
Little Valley Academy utilizes the A Beka Curriculum to teach and train preschoolers. LVA’s attentive focus on the Word of God, along with precise faith-based instruction offered from the A Beka books, provides the strongest spiritual and educational foundation for your child. Our children are taught from a Christian worldview implementing moral character and academic excellence in all areas of life. LVA partners with Christian parents and exists as an extension of the Christian home to help parents fulfill that responsibility. Focusing on the holistic approach in all areas of the body, mind and spirit of the child.
LVA Programs
Infant 6 weeks to 10 months
Waddler 10 months to 18 months
Toddler 18 months to 24 months
Pre-K 2 2 years – 3 years old
Pre-K 3 3 years old
Pre-K 4 4 years old
Contact us to learn more about our school.

Main Campus (Grades 3 - 12)
3205 Holmes Ave. Huntsville, AL 35816
Early Edu. Campus (Infant - 2nd Grade)
3616 Holmes Ave. Huntsville, AL 35816